Winter is a time to refocus

The first couple of weeks of the new year is a time of reflection for me.  I usually take a break from the busy things in life and try to refocus on what is important to me.  That is why I haven’t posted in a couple weeks.  I don’t usually set specific goals at this time of year.  I do take the time to think about what is important to me and try to refocus our time to reflect those activities.  This year, I want to focus on more time doing things I enjoy.  Crafting, playing games with friends, and writing.  The hubby and I want to focus on moving forward with the goal of building a new house or remodeling this one.


I have spent time working on knitting my cardigan.  I’m at the last inch of the front.  It seems like a never ending portion of the sweater.  I cannot wait to cast off and try it on!  The sleeves, of course will also take me forever to do with their endless stockinette stitch.

We have been trying to get out and spend more time playing games with friends.  I’ve discovered a few new ones that I would love to add to our collection.  Splendor and Tsuro were quite fun and at the top of my list for new games to purchase.


The hubby and I have spent time looking at shiny new cars and pretty new houses.  Long term goals and all that.  For the here and now, we have been cleaning and organizing in our home.  Clearing clutter and making time to rearrange for a fresh new look.

I have a few projects that I would like to complete in the new year.  I would like to complete the cardigan before my birthday in February.  (40!  eek!)  I have a new series in the works for this blog and involves starting up a YouTube channel.  I’ve been busy writing posts for DIYcraftz.  At work I have two student teachers observing in my classroom each week.  Their excitement for the career has me looking at my classroom with a fresh set of eyes.  I am glad to have their inspiration this time of year.

What have you been focusing on so far in 2018?  What projects (craft or otherwise) have you been working on?  What do you want to complete?  Did you set New Years goals?  How are they going?  

Don’t forget to come find me on social media!

On Facebook at Modern Bygone
On Instagram at Modernbygone
On Twitter at Modernbygone
On Tumblr at Modernbygone
On Pinterest at Modernbygone

winter refocus